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More Than Milk Your Ultimate Prep for Breastfeeding

  • 18 Steps


Designed for expecting parents, this course is your essential prenatal guide to breastfeeding. Facilitated by a postpartum doula and lactation counselor, this course provides a holistic view. Breastfeeding does not happen in isolation, with the holistic approach taught in this program, you can take actions today that will decrease the likelihood of discomfort, low supply, postnatal depletion and postpartum mood disorders. In this course, we cover essential topics: ✨Feeding Foundations and Milk Making ✨How to ensure adequate supply ✨How to know when your baby is hungry ✨How to spot if your baby is actually ‘eating’ ✨Up to date evidence on body positioning ✨The recipe for a good latch ✨How to manage feeds ✨Tips for thriving in the first 24-48 hours after birth ✨Step by step guide to hand expressing milk ✨Guidance and must know information about pumping, bottle feeding and burping ✨Advice for when things don’t go as planned ✨What to do when baby won’t latch ✨How to avoid common stuff that sucks and how to overcome each if they happen (thrush, mastitis, etc) ✨Guidance for how partners and support people can help ✨How to manage tough conversations and unhelpful advice *VIP ADD ON: Once you enroll in the course you have the option to book a 45min one on one call with me to chat, have your questions answered and discuss your specific feeding journey, hopes, worries (VIP Price $70 valued at $90 and reimbursable through insurance as naturopathic services)*

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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